What Happened To Peter Attia. If you just landed here, feel free to make a post about who you are, why you listen, and what you love . Where did this insecurity come from? Im afraid that Ive worked too much. I want to be able to hop over a three-foot fence. So I dont know that I really deserve any credit. Youre listening toPeople I (Mostly) Admire with Steve Levitt, and his conversation with physician and scientist Peter Attia. Were living to reach older and older ages than ever before, which is great. He also receives speaking honorariums from organizations, including hospitals and health-related businesses, when he is asked to speak on longevity, metabolic-related topics, athletic performance, and his personal experience working in medicine. The four pillars of being a kick-ass 100-year-old. If you want bread, eat the bread that has no sugar. That way, we can live lives that are both long and healthy! ATTIA: No, I think its the hardest job. Saturated fat and dieta postprandial triglyceridemia is associated with cardiovascular disease risk, Why lose weight to prevent covid-19 is an inappropriate and harmful message for health influencers to be sending, Mainstream, popular health gurus peddle ineffective, dangerous, and costly products that degrade physical and financial health, Why I question the objectivity of low-carb pioneers Stephen Phinney and Jeff Volek. And so it might be that its the rigidity of thought that is really the biggest problem. Where did this drive come from? And I came across this Noam Chomsky documentary. But Im not the person thats actually going to do these studies. what happened to peter attia. So how can we combat Type 2 diabetes? I think most people do get a bit of a cognitive jolt from it. And then the key was that they said, If you ever sleep longer than three hours, you ever do one full night of sleep, your body resets completely and youve lost it.. And I actually do find this topic interesting. In addition to training at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Dr. Peter also spent two years at the National Institutes of Health as a surgical oncology fellow at the National Cancer Institute, where his research focused on immune-based therapies for melanoma. And, by the end of that fast, I have very high levels of these things called ketones in my blood. So the former is one molecule of something called glucose and one of fructose bound together. All contents Freakonomics. Im actually going to tuck them underneath my lip like chewing tobacco and let it just ease out and keep me going.. And then I was going to Netflix to find it. Peter Attia: "I Definitely Lost a Lot of IQ Points That Day" He's been an engineer, a surgeon, a management consultant, and even a boxer. ATTIA: Now, that I remember. And I remember once I was being interviewed and someone asked me: if you could be granted immortality or something, would you take it? And in the meantime, if youre ready to learn how to live to be over 100 and prevent chronic diseases, join me on. LEVITT: Yeah, man, I could not agree with those two things more. So taking a bunch of people who have recovered and asking the question: what does their recovery tell us about their risk of subsequent infection relative to uninfected people? for Dr. Peters definition of greatness, so for now, Ill leave you with one final piece of wisdom: There are people out there who have so many genetic things working against them, that theyll be lucky to make it to 80. ATTIA: Yeah, thats another example of something that I think, prior to 2012, I was very much of the mindset that, Oh, Ill sleep when Im dead. And residency certainly reinforced that. Its great to live until youre 90 or 100 years old, but if you spend the last 20 or 30 years in so much pain or with a neurodegenerative disease like Alzheimers, youre not really enjoying those last few decades. And even if there were such data, what data are there that this harm is caused by the glucose itself? And more recently, and that is to say in the last hundred years or so, people figured out that you could basically trick your body into doing that by restricting carbohydrates. LEVITT: I will say that youve taught me a lot and I never told you this before youre one of the few people on the planet whose opinion I trust so completely that when you tell me to do something, no matter how absurd it sounds, I do it. ", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Peter_Attia&oldid=1139971534, Stanford University School of Medicine alumni, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2023, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 17 February 2023, at 19:54. So it wasnt one thing, Steve. Dr. Peter Attia is a physician focusing on the applied science of longevity. Explore the list of the most recommended book titles suggested by Peter Attia . ", "Are We Fighting The Wrong Battle In The Obesity War? Thanks for listening. By Sydney Bueckert, NASM CPT, CES, FNS, GPT November 23, 2022 I want to be able to pull myself out of a pool where theres a one-foot gap between the water and the curb. You have to have a second project which youve actually done, but you pretend that you havent done it. LEVITT: So can you talk about ketosis a little bit and what that means? LEVITT: But when you say risk, you talk about risk of wasting the money? But something inside said, You dont feel right. So I said, Hey, Mike, I got to call it a day, man. And when I went down to cool down by hitting the speed bag, which is that tiny little round bag that basically has no weight or impact just the impact of hitting that hurt my head so much that I was like, I got to stop.. It is the one thing that makes all three of those worse, and, in its most extreme state, its Type 2 diabetes. And I religiously do whatever you tell me to do. Because there are risks to doing this study. Ive never really experienced nicotine. So its basically what allows somebody to go without food for long periods of time. Theres days I guess I am. And by listening to this guy talk about subjects where I have a different point of view, hes sharpening my point of view and sometimes changing my point of view. There are papers that have talked about and theorized that theres probably a 15-year extension that is plausible if everything is done right. Its not about exercising more, especially as he gets older. And then you have to have a third project, which is like 75 percent done. So, yeah, I definitely lost a lot of I.Q. And then, of course, this third piece, which is the emotional resilience and the ability to maintain a tolerance around distress. Dr. Peter Attia. So youre probably just in what are called theta waves. Right? Peter Attia has dedicated his medical career to investigating the relationship between nutrition, obesity and diabetes. Autophagy is, as its name implies auto is self, phagy is eating so its when these cells eat themselves. into a difficult position, which is to make very incremental steps in science. So the other night here is a funny story, because it will come across that my daughter lives a tortured life she really does enjoy this stuff. So I think when you say sugar, what you mean is added sugar. I think there [are] basically three ways that we can approach dealing with this: One of these is through psychotherapy, pharmacotherapy, and then behavioral therapy, which Im an overwhelming proponent of in particular a type of behavioral therapy called Dialectical Behavioral Therapy or DBT. Dr. Peter Attia. Now to your question, I did at one point in my life, circa 2011 to 2014, spend three years in uninterrupted nutritional ketosis. LEVITT: You have given a lot of advice already about nutrition and health. This mask versus that mask? Also, I had a big fight with one of the physicians at Hopkins whos super respected and amazingly prominent. When it comes to chronic and life-threatening diseases, Dr. Peter said it comes down to three major things: "So the big three are, in order, atherosclerotic disease so that's vascular disease, meaning heart disease and stroke. Its a bit of luck and its having really good people around me who are really patient, who have been able to help nurture me back to a new way of thinking about life that is unrecognizable compared to the ethos that was 10 years ago. [6] As his residency drew to a close, Attia joined the consulting firm McKinsey & Company in the Palo Alto office as a member of the Corporate Risk Practice and Healthcare Practice. So I dont really chew it that much anymore, just out of sheer laziness. Peter Attia talks with Steve Levitt about the problem with immortality, whats missing from our Covid response, and why nicotine is underrated. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Available for pre-order everywhere books are sold. So lets say youre someone whos only going to get five and a half hours of sleep at night, which for virtually everyone is still suboptimal. When we think of extending our lifespans, we think a lot about our physical health how well our bodies function. Now, in very low doses, which is what you would get if you were eating a piece of fruit, there is no problem in eating fructose. So it becomes a way for us to recycle our dead or defective cells. 200mg is relatively minor, but he supplemented for the sake of avoiding muscle cramps. And we do that a ton. And senescent cells basically send out these really nasty inflammatory signals to other cells that basically age them. So thats called starvation ketosis. I look at my father, whos 86 and still runs and still practices medicine full time, and we do trivia contests together and hes still as good as he ever was. I want to be able to hop over a three-foot fence. And that, to me, is where I get shocked at what Id call the failure of medicine in this dimension to provide us with the answers that, if we had known a lot more about other kinds of infectious diseases, we probably could have been a lot smarter. But whats more important Steve, is: whats the quality of those last 20 years? Wouldnt you like to live longer? So autophagy is a very important process for preventing cancer. In 2018 Dr. Attia switched to a special type of magnesium called Slow-Mag. Dr. Peter is working hard to keep his body strong and healthy functioning even into old age. Now, on with the show. Dr. Peter says there are four main ways to do it. And I will say, hes one of the few people who when he tells me to do something, I just do it. Its about exercising intentionally. But I have to say, hes also completely, totally insane. Residency didnt seem very merit-based. It was about 10 things. What do you do daily to live a longer and healthier life? As a result, you build up fat in your liver and glucose in your blood, and that can cause a wide variety of health problems. But you started out wanting to be a professional boxer. I mean, not even hard to figure out if youre willing to do randomized experiments. So I just generally say try not to eat too much before bed. Dr. Peter says there are four main ways to do it. Our staff also includes Alison Craiglow, Greg Rippin, and Corinne Wallace; our intern is Emma Tyrrell. Dr. Attia is a huge proponent of supplementing with magnesium. But its something I at least pay attention to now. Why didn't you address what Nina has brought up? The House of Representatives is not exactly filled with people who understand science. ATTIA: I did. Dr. Peter Attia received his medical degree from Stanford University in 2001. in mechanical engineering and applied mathematics. Explore the list of the most recommended book titles suggested by Peter Attia . [4] First wanting to become a professional boxer, he later attended Queen's University, receiving B.Sc. So I want to start with a story. The only sad part is my dad said a few days ago, Yeah, the last person I grew up with and I was friends with, they died. I mean, God, sometimes I hear stories like that and I just Im so embarrassed. According to his website, Attia is "a Stanford/Johns Hopkins/NIH-trained physician focusing on the applied science of longevity, the extension of human life and well-being." These credentials have given Attia unparalleled clout (along with David Sinclair) in this niche of influencers. It promises to be one of the most important books you'll ever read." Steven D. Levitt, New York Times bestselling author of Freakonomics "In Outlive, Peter Attia explores the science of not just . LEVITT: And it sounds like youre doing it all with private money. To improve sleep, Peter Attia takes phosphatidylserine, magnesium and a supplement called Doc Parsley's Sleep Remedy (a company in which Attia invested), comprising of vitamin D, niacin, magnesium (150 mg), and a blend of tryptophan, GABA, phosphatidylserine, theanine, 5-HTP and melatonin. A surgeon who developed metabolic syndrome himself despite the fact that he ate well and exercised often, Attia realized that our understanding of these important health issues may not actually be correct. And you say, I die.. Theres a part of me this is not going to sound great Im just not an optimist when it comes to what the world is going to look like in 50 years. So they think that you can show them something you havent done when youre done. So when you contrast living to 70 [and] spending 20 years in misery versus living to 75 with maybe two years in misery, it just doesnt even strike me as a trade-off. . And theres this have you seen this thing called Mystery Science Theater 3000? LEVITT: So, tell me what are your current feelings towards sugar? ATTIA: It was hard, actually. And white bread is generally depleted of anything of value. You went to McKinsey. So, nicotine leads to the up-regulation of an enzyme I wont bother to name that is beneficial to how the muscles can utilize fat for energy and how the fat cells refrain from just taking more fat in as storage. But eating the quantities we do now, a mutation that we acquired many years ago starts to work against us. He remains unbiased and sticks to what the science indicates while also willing to experiment on himself. LEVITT: No, it was when I worked in consulting. We would like it such that, when you die, its really your first encounter with death of any form. , So the big three are, in order, atherosclerotic disease so thats vascular disease, meaning heart disease and stroke. LEVITT: One of the things that really bothers me about myself is that I can fall asleep anywhere, anytime. We can be reached at. And while learning to manage stress and overcome trauma may not be the only thing it takes to prevent Type 2 diabetes, it will definitely increase your odds of staying healthy longer. I can only say I'm so sorry this happened! You got to do it.. Hes really it makes me hopeful that I got some of those genes, that I can have a shot at some of that too. That was painful to watch. They have to basically show every year that theres an R.O.I. in mechanical engineering and applied mathematics. All of the music you heard on this show was composed by Luis Guerra. Incredible evidence in how it prevents neurodegeneration and basically all forms of chronic disease. It comes with just accepting the fact that I do not accomplish as much today as I used to. Thank you so much for joining me today! And then I would go to the gym and do an hour workout before that was mostly rowing machine and skipping. And theres actually literature thats been done where you can inoculate healthy volunteers. In fact, our conversation was so fascinating, that I decided to split it into two episodes! This episode is informative, and I know youll get a lot of value from it. Comments requesting medical advice will not be responded to, as I am not legally permitted to practice medicine over the internet. Peter Attia (born 19 March 1973) is a Canadian-American physician known for his medical practice that focuses on the science of longevity. and holds a B.Sc. My Centenarian Olympics has 18 events in it. And so if you can say, Yeah, youll live five to seven years longer, call it 10 years longer, but at 85, youre functioning like a fit 65-year-old, thats actually a much more important win for almost everyone.. Dr. Peter trained for five years at the, in general surgery, where he was the recipient of several prestigious awards, including Resident of the Year. Hes spent the last few years being mentored by the top medical scientists and now hosts. Its also that it has no fiber left in it as well. Why is he telling us this? Whats important about that is the fructose molecule. Peter Attia talks with Steve Levitt about the problem with immortality, what's missing from our Covid response, and why nicotine is underrated. The other two preventions, however, might surprise you, If I just took 20 guys like you and took them from eight hours a night to four hours a night for two weeks and then did these glucose tolerance tests, I could reduce [their] glucose disposal by 50%. So maybe some combination of those two things would be helpful as a person navigates their way. And they mightve spent the last 20 of those years in an unbelievable state of misery. Airplane versus subway? Dr. Peter Attia and Dr. Andrew Huberman discuss the best exercises for health and longevity.Dr. Do you have specific parenting advice that you would dole out? Were not talking about inoculating someone with hepatitis or H.I.V. It showed I had cerebral contusions. Hes one of the most intelligent, curious, compassionate people Ive ever met. And I felt great. Comments deemed to be spam or solely promotional in nature will be deleted. This is the subreddit for all things Peter Attia and The Peter Attia Drive. And then take a little step further, and you reach neurodegenerative disease, of which Alzheimers disease is far and away the most common and also the most rapidly increasing. And when I was in high school, I became obsessed with him. And the more I learned, frankly, the less I agreed with him. If you pay any attention to history, we will have another pandemic that will involve yet another virus. Its a very expensive study for one year. In other words we have to learn how to manage the causes of stress and anxiety in our lives. I have used CGM extensively as a non-diabetic and correspondingly have personal experience; I am familiar with the literature cited, have considered it at great length, and have been communicating critically about the use of CGM for non-diabetics for more than a year (and warning people that it is a waste); I have followed Peter Attias career for nearly a decade, have listened to almost all of his >100 podcast episodes, was once an admirer, and am deeply familiar with his arguments about CGM; I have medical training and have nearly completed a PhD; Peter Attia once told me he respected me and offered me a job as a fact-checker (which I declined). And therefore it was just disjointed. And when my daughter was born, I ended up getting a type of medical test that had a finding that no one in their mid-thirties should have. ATTIA: So ketosis is arguably one of the most important, if not the most important, metabolic adaptation that allowed our species to survive, because our brains are so dependent on glucose. I mean, this is not an unethical thing to do. How often? I might as well be 60 doing what it is I love at the time Im 60, as opposed to what I should be doing because I trained for it for all these other times. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. What type of a person is going to be safe in what type of an environment to go back to work? If you take a 20-minute afternoon nap, youre not going to get into whats called delta wave sleep. So I abandoned that one on my own. Including a link to relevant content is permitted, but comments should be relevant to the post topic. I dont know if you remember the first time we met, but we were at dinner and it must have been just after your birthday because you were glowing and you said, Oh my God, I got the best birthday present ever from my wife. And just to jog your memory, shed given you some kind of equipment that allowed you to prick your finger and do blood tests. And youll tell me your latest thing. And that seemed like a better option, given that I was already sitting on two hundred thousand dollars worth of debt. This episode is informative, and I know youll get a lot of value from it. Glucose is such an important molecule for energy that if we were to go more than about a day and a half without eating, we would begin rapidly destroying our muscle mass in an effort to produce enough glucose to satisfy our brain, which would further impair our ability to forage for food. Peter Attia, M.D. , especially as he gets older. Thats the problem that Dr. Peter and other doctors like him are trying to solve. And in the meantime, if youre ready to learn how to live to be over 100 and prevent chronic diseases, join me on Episode 1,045 with Dr. Peter Attia! Post a screenshot of the episode along with your biggest takeaways on Instagram, and make sure to tag Dr. Peter, @peterattiamd, and me, @lewishowes. Peter Attia, MD, is the founder ofEarly Medical, a medical practice that applies the principles of Medicine 3.0 to patients with the goal oflengthening their lifespan and simultaneously improving their healthspan. Most people, when they think of death, think of what we call cardiopulmonary death or what Im calling death-certificate death. But probably 80% of people have actually died one of the other deaths before they die a cardiopulmonary death. Its just so hard to quit stuff. I also had an additional conversation with Kevin Hall, PhD, one of the key researchers NuSI . Lets dive in! And I now realize in retrospect that was almost assuredly primarily being contributed by the lack of sleep. The parallel in economics, the National Science Foundation, is the big federal funder of a lot of economists. Do you recognize that in yourself? Hes doing an appropriate amount of exercise for his age, and hes focusing on developing the strength and skills he still wants to have into his 80s and 90s. Its not about exercising. So what are some things we can do to improve our sleep to keep this from happening? Slow-Mag is designed to maximize mag's benefits while simultaneously minimizing its side effects. document.getElementById( "ak_js_3" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. What happened to @DMSabatini. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 20122023 PA IP, LLC. Studying studies: relative risk vs. absolute risk. And I dont think Im very good at it, Steve. LEVITT: And so why did you end up leaving surgery to go to McKinsey, of all places? But my hunch is, youd know better than me, is that for things like influenza, we actually dont even know the answer, even though weve had 100 years to be thinking about that. And you were like, Whats that? And I was like, Oh, I chew Nicorette gum. And you asked me if I was a smoker. Its the common factor behind all three biggest causes of death Type 2 diabetes. [7] Attia co-founded and served as President of Nutrition Science Initiative (NuSI) with Gary Taubes in 2012. ATTIA: No. makes a complete mockery of what sexual harassment is and is not. Too often, it intervenes with treatments too late to help, prolonging lifespan at the expense of healthspan, or quality of life. In addition to being an accomplished physician, Dr. Peter is also a successful businessman. What a complete and total travesty. I really enjoy his take on things, his clarity, the brilliant guests he has on, and how out of my depth he is.. In Part One, we talked about how mental health affects longevity, daily practices you can do to live a longer and healthier life, and all the details on Type 2 diabetes. Fish Oil. Marion Nestle notes the Arnold's working relationship with a National Restaurant Association and the National Cattlemen's Beef Association consultant. And then after school, I would get home and then do another 90 minutes of work on the heavy bag, speed bag, double end bag in my basement, coupled with more anaerobic training. He also has a B.Sc. I mean, I probably wish I had been a bit more introspective a bit sooner. So, again, evolution won. In addition to training at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Dr. Peter also spent two years at the. And I do that in academic seminars and its incredibly embarrassing. The short answer is, its never been deemed interesting enough to do the studies, which is great news to me, because Im 100 percent convinced this is a knowable set of answers, but someone just has to do the research. is who Id want for my doctor. And just to be clear, Im just the guy who started it and who raises the money. Peter Attia Book Recommendations (38 Books) Peter Attia is a Canadian-American physician known for his medical practice that focuses on the science of longevity. And I think a lot of people get there eventually in life, but I would just say, dont be afraid of that type of exploration. Your body naturally creates glucose in your liver, so when you eat and consume extra glucose, your body sends it to your muscles, and you use it as energy. But of course, we live in an environment where natural selection doesnt have the time to make modifications. And so for six months, Ive been doing something that was probably a really bad idea as well. After medical school, Attia spent five years at the Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland as a general surgery resident. So the brain could use it as a glucose substitute, and it would offset 50 to 60 percent of its glucose requirement. Why dont we know the dose of fasting? One half of all Americans are on that spectrum. , So how can we combat Type 2 diabetes? LEVITT: Well, it sounds like you ended up making the right career choice. Yeah, some days its just fun to sit there and laugh and goof off. I could basically, within two weeks, turn you into an almost-diabetic by sleep depriving you. , Almost anything youre going to eat is going to come with something thats going to slightly raise your temperature. Dont just listen to people say stuff you agree with. I hope you loved this episode as much as I did. Hes been an engineer, a surgeon, a management consultant, and even a boxer. Comments are welcomed and encouraged. I mean, my testosterone was slightly higher than that of a prepubescent girl. I could basically, within two weeks, turn you into an almost-diabetic by sleep depriving you. Dr. Peter Attia. Those are the three biggest causes of death heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimers. Can you describe how you approached your undergraduate classes at Stanford? Bring everyone together in one space with Microsoft Teams! The owner of this blog reserves the right to edit or delete any comments submitted to the blog without notice. But it could put a slightly different interpretation on it. That sort of irked me. His practice deals extensively with nutritional interventions, exercise physiology, sleep physiology, emotional and mental health, and pharmacology to increase lifespan (delay the onset of chronic disease) while simultaneously improving healthspan (quality of life). You need to hit a local minima in life to make a change, if not an absolute minimum. Dr. Attia is medical doctor who focuses on the science behind living a longer, healthier life. Thats a relevant detail that Im sure a few peoples eyes just rolled back in their head. And in the end, it was true that I was no more tired than I was in general, but I completely lost my will to live. . You have to have one project which is 95 percent done and turned out well. And the ability to quit or not quit becomes a very high-water mark to separate those people out. And I missed that routine once in four years. According Peter's 2018 AMA Podcast, he takes 2 tablets of SlowMag every morning and 400 mg of Magnesium Oxide by Nature Made at night.. Research has shown that even a small lack of magnesium can prevent the . What was the failure of either policy or medicine that led nobody to be generating that knowledge? ATTIA: I mean, I was a pretty good fighter at the time, but we have a heavy bag in our garage now. 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