Babbs says, "Straight is as straight does. By Larry McMurtry I never saw her again. Cathryn Marie 'Stark Naked' Casamo. Kesey called off his band of Merry Pranksters and asked Sandy, the soundman, to drive me and just audio tape it, and nobody else goes. with Regis and Kathie Lee," but also for her acting career.Additionally, Gifford has an estimated net worth of $60 million, according to Celebrity Net Worth, but fame and fortune aren't everything.While Gifford may have an impressive career, she has also experienced immeasurable hardships . Years later, I heard that Cathy was living with a painter up in Northern California. She was psychotic. (The blanket she had been wearing around her shoulders was left behind in the bus.). She wanted to talk to me about her mom and about Cathy's disappearance in Houston for 3 days. Thanks for getting back to me. Thats it. Cathy is the wife of Francis "Frankie" Ryan (Jonathan Tucker) and the mother to their three children Kick, Mary, and Tony. When I first saw your mom I thought she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen! She got on the bus after arranging with her significant other, actor Larry Hankin, to care for her daughter, Caitlin, in her absence. Shed been gone for at least 36 hours -- obviously busted by the police in the middle of the night for a good reason or no reason at all. I could feel my brain manufacturing its own LSD from running scenarios of dread; and I suspected everyone in that house. However, when she made the request, a . Did you see that? I was just there to get Cathy, and this acting rule kept going off in my head: Every scene has an objective for your character. 8 months ago. I just dialed another police station for the third time and described her for the third time. On the other hand, from what I was experiencing in S.F. Casamo later revealed that she mostly did not enjoy the journey once it began because she had believed she was going to star with Casady in a real movie. This is where Stark Naked got her name and when she first parts ways with the Pranksters. While all this stuff was going on, another nurse asked me if I wanted to see Cathy, Upstairs. #42. In that instant I was a Merry Prankster and I hated the pigs. ", "The day they were ready to go, Ken Kesey recruited Cassady from a bookstore where he was working, Babbs recalls. "Hummmm," Larry murmurs, looking over the top of his glasses. Therefore his guilt drove him to try to at least help Alicia in some way, to make something right out of all the wrongs. She shadows Pam for the first time in season 8, episode 7 "Pam's Replacement" and . Larry M. let me use his phone. Larry McMurtry was the only voice I allowed myself to listen to. McMurphy, a malingerer from a penal work farm, tries to rekindle a spark of life among his fellow patients, and is thwarted at each step by the cold, calculating Nurse Ratched, who ultimately curtails McMurphy's free wheeling ways by subjecting him to a lobotomy. In the airport, with several hours to wait, I asked her if she was hungry and she said she might eat a grilled cheese sandwich. The two lived for a time at Gate 5 in Sausalito, which was a collection of two-room houseboats built on the hulls of old WWII beach-landing barges. "The wildly painted bus got stopped by the police, but with their short haircuts , the Pranksters were never arrested. Without assigning any blame, I'd like to point out that on the first public group tripping experiment ever, the code of staying together was abandoned in Houston with Stark Naked when things got really complicated. Its hard to define in laymans terms. It wasnt until much later that he found out he had misspelled it. Ill be right there. I was led to the office. Coreless Stretch Film; Pre-Stretch Film; Hand Roll; Machine Roll; Jumbo Roll; Industrial Plastic Division. It had to have been built in the 30s and no one painted it or changed a light-fixture since. My son James, aged two, was sitting in the yard in his diapers when the bus stopped and a naked lady ran out and grabbed him. 2002 Larry McMurtry/NY Review of Books Casamo - So good we went back for more! What?! And after a week or so I got hold of her real father, who lived across the bay. She has been portrayed as "a bus dropout", "psychotic", and "stark raving mad" none of which is true. She never came back. I came back up here in 78 or 79it is very hazy. Authorities found her unresponsive and shot in the face, neck, and . In the night, despite my vigilance, Stark slipped away, having no idea what city or state she was in. He wasnt going to tell me. But I do have the authority and I will use it. I didnt believe anything anyone told me. The next morning, the bus had left without her. -Stephen Ehret, In the summer of 1960, Cathy Casamo left Northwestern University after four years as a drama major, a few math credits short of a degree. That was quickly remedied, and down the road they went, Cassady spewing the speed-talking rap-babble that inspired Kerouacs writing style." However, in summer 1960, she dropped out a few math credits short of a degree and moved to California. Whats that got to do with anything? She graduated from Westfield High School in Westfield, New Jersey, and went on to major in Drama at Northwestern . Actress Melanie Hill confirmed she was leaving the . Larrys Lawyer was well connected and he was on it. Copyright of Telegraph Media Group Limited 2001 It was read as a compelling cautionary tale that viewed society, represented by Big Nurse, as a cold, formidable negation of all that is free, lusty and nonconformist. Okay, its 24 hours. Nobody there by that description, no reports of anybody by that description were picked up. Cathy is then introduced in the episode "Pam's Replacement" to be her temporary . I handed over the bouquet of roses and my long letter and asked the nurse to give them to Cathy. I was a junkie in those days but an upwardly mobile oneha. I told her we have McMurtrys lawyer downstairs and hes getting her out right now. No blood. Apparently, Kathy took off her glasses, threw them on the ground and jumped up and down breaking them. Did she say anything? Literally, inmates were wandering the old grey-green halls with high ceilings, totally zoned, wearing grey hospital smocks, and/or bathrobes, and paper slippers. It wasnt going well. She ate $78 worth, a big meal for an . This is great and helps put more of the color in the ongoing portraitI can see her and Holden in your taleCathy/Katrina was the quintessential Free SpiritI checked your website and noticed what an amazing amount of great work you've doneimpressiveI didn't see any references to your early drug use and was wondering how you feel about that being up on the net?I can soft edit it but it is a part of who she wasthe Cosmic Angel of mercy. I cant see her today? I was so pissed and confused - and pissed because I was pissed and confused that Im sure the first 24 hours were distorted. She ate $78 worth, a big meal for an airport restaurant in 1964. She came out of it a bit when she saw Katy, but it took a while. It was like a scene from Titicutt Follies, a documentary about a horrible little mental hospital in the small town of Titicutt, New York. They're pretty straight folks around here, you know." Much of the hippie aesthetic that would dawn on the San Francisco scene in the mid sixties can be traced back to the Merry Pranksters who openly used psychoactive drugs, wore outrageous attire, performed bizarre acts of street theater, and engaged in peaceful confrontation with not only the laws of conformity, but with the mores of conventionality. Jim appears blissfully unaware of her flirting until she decides to make a . We hung out for a few days, but we were both very different people by then and I was about to move to Los Angeles in another 2 weeks. his wife calls. She just kind of disappeared. Why? Jay, Thanks Jay, Video marketing. The police found her and at once popped her into what Carl, the Billy Bob Thornton character in Sling Blade, Now, I knew that Cathy didnt like the police. Lee had become a superstar of the '30s and '40s thanks to columnists like Walter Winchell, who raved about her wit and intellectual . They brought Cathy into the room. Paint peeled off large swatches of the wall; no discernable colors anywhere. Now, we just told you where she is. There she met actor and comedian. But even weirder is that season 2 doesn't even acknowledge that this character was ever on the show. Living legend Neal The nurse nodded to the two males in white: they grabbed Cathy, one to an arm, and started dragging her away. Sandy and the Nagra came with me. Reportedly, she is married to her long-term boyfriend whose identity is still kept secret from the people. Because they were so famous, of course I remember Larry McMurtrys and Ken Keseys names, but every other name and face is a blur. Katy and I hung out for a couple of more days to me it was a Mutt & Jeff act: we were a well-oiled team by now. Casamo's antics led to her being briefly institutionalized, . From my conversations with Cathy and with Ron "Hassler" Bevirt, her state would be more correctly described as extremely high, and it is my intention to correct the record (as well as the persistent misspelling of her nameseen everywhere as Kathy Casano). Oregonian Cathy would call regularly in the evening and speak to Katy and me. "It's them. a female voice calls from the kitchen. Is she over 18? Alice in Wonderland is real or Im crazy or one of the pranksters slipped me some LSD. He asked me to meet Katy at her day-care school in Sausalito which was much nearer to me than where they lived at the time. She just looked at me, waiting for a wrong twitch. You can pick her up. What if the tables were turned and it was someone you couldnt talk to or see? Actually, Kesey was sympathetic about my state of mind but there was nothing he could do, really. I remember playing baseball with himhe was just a pupha. After a rather large dose of acid and removing her clothes in the sweltering bus, she saw Larry McMurtry's little son playing in the yard, and rushed out of the bus "Stark Naked" to hold him . Let them take the blood. BALTIMORE "The Keepers" premiered on Netflix, on May 19th, 2017, bringing worldwide attention to the sexual abuse of children by priests in the Archdiocese of Baltimore. I was getting close to The Time Of The Totally Stupid Move. As Kesey put it: 'What we hoped was that we could stop the coming end of the world'." Yeah. She met filmmaker Mike Hagen, who introduced her to head Prankster, author and LSD aficionado Ken Kesey. I have been clean since 1985, so my life has changed a lotwhen I think of Katrina, I think of some bike rides with Holden and my dog Frodo and stopping to get a smoothieand the sunshine coming into the house on the hill. "The experiments at Stanford were part of a secret operation (MK-ULTRA) funded by the Central Intelligence Agency to determine the potential utility of hallucinogens as weapons in the Cold War. After that I always had eyes for her. Like an arrow, varoom! Three days later I came back from rehearsal and a friend was there, babysitting Katy. "Dressed in combinations of fluorescent orange and green, the Pranksters acquired new names as their personalities developed. In regard to Cathy Casamo, aka "Stark Naked", most of the confusion began, I believe, with Tom Wolfe's popular second-hand version of the bus story in The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, and has been perpetuated in typical web fashion. Oh. Can I talk to her? Once on the journey, she became disheartened with a bunch of stoned guys admittedly running around trying to make a film with no apparent direction, in Kesey's own words, "embracing amateurism". . Whaaaaat? Get the latest on Kathy Casamo on Fandango. | The two lived for a time at Gate 5 in Sausalito, which was a collection of two-room houseboats built on the hulls of old WWII beach-landing barges. Hospitals and psychiatrists across the country, carefully selected by the CIA, conducted these government-sanctioned and financed experiments on patients. Dominick Cavallo It started with a freelance journalist, Tom Nugent. More than one? She was married and divorced twice and had a son, Holden. When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. She invited them up to her apartment and quickly became caught up in their circle. 5.0 out of 5 stars Your mother was right: "If you're doing what the crowd is doing, you've missed the boat." -a better approach to getting healthy 2009 The Associated Press. ", Conceived as a way of getting to New York for the publication party of, "At La Honda, Keseys home in the Santa Cruz Mountains south of San Francisco, they installed a sound system, a generator on the back and went wild with the paint. I'm still a musician and I am friends with Michael Aragon who leads a band and plays drums at the No-Nameor used to last I checked. There was talk of a missing persons bulletin. He had made many phone calls and had arranged for us to get her out of there immediately. Sandy got a Nagra tape deck, threw it in the back, and we took off for the Houston Police Station, about 20 minutes away. What happened between then and now? There is nothing that I could possibly dream of or do that is stupider than this real reality. - Ken Kesey, "Cathy was one of 'The Ones'." No answer? page, Stark Gets Off The Bus The top of the bus was made into a musical stage and when it detoured through some cities, the Pranksters blasted a combination of crude homemade music and running commentary to all the astonished onlookers. We came up to this one door and the nurse open the little hatch and she said Cathy was in there. She soon had a daughter, Caitlyn. They were driving me insane with reasonableness and red tape. I was not really that stable and Katrina, as she called herself at that time, was also involved in legal hassleswe shared the same probation officer and he was kind of a stalkerhe probably had the serious hots for herwho wouldn't!anyway he put pressure on her to not have me around, but that is not really what happenedKatrina had to go to the honor farm out in Novato for some little thingmaybe shopliftingI'm not sure whatanyway she met a guitar player there and that was also fine because I was returning to the NW, where I was from. It was here that all the beautiful pictures of Cathy and Neal on the left were taken by Ron Bevirt. She was a free spirit and loved all kinds of musicit could be African, Jazz or Country and Westernwhatever kp. Cathy Areu prefers to keep her personal life hidden from the eyes of the media. The lawyer confirmed that the City of Houston had a legal right to do everything theyd done so far and/or had threatened to do. We were Undesirable. Really. I never got a solid count of Pranksters on that visit, but there were enough of them to cover most of the floor space in my small house. I signed the paper and Cathy and I walked out to the lobby where Larry and Larry were waiting. - IMDb Mini Biography By: Theyve taken enough! I told Cathy shell be out in less than an hour, and I was taken back to the lobby. I also know Michael AragonI used to play/sing at the No Name with Susan Pease as a duo called Susan & Stephen for 2 years circa 2000-2002we have many good live recordings. Reply. Pam goes on maternity leave in season 8. On the way through San Francisco, they stopped at actor Larry Hankins where they met "The Beauty Witch", Cathryn Casamo, later to be known as "Stark Naked". From this experience, Kesey wrote his most celebrated novel, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, and began his own experimentations with psychedelic drugs. 6 days. "The day they were ready to go, Ken Kesey recruited Cassady from a bookstore where he was working, Babbs recalls. Easy Riders Whats your relationship? Sandy and I both figured there must have been a fight and they dont want Cathys bruises to be found on their turf. We had one time when my brother, who was a big crab boat fisherman, came and visitedJohn came and there was drinking and Holden decided he was going to get into it alsoI got up in the night and saw that Holden had puked. Excuse me, sir. The lawyer said everythings ready but, since they were releasing Cathy to my custody, I had to go to the office to sign custody papers and then we can all leave. The nurse said I had to leave. Neal Cassady * Speed Limit "The 'trip' was a powerful metaphor linking an LSD-inspired interior journey to the historic American inclination to take to the road in search of another place. Well done Casamo. With an amphetamine-fuelled Neal Cassady at the wheel, the Pranksters set off for New York, leaving a trail of colourful chaos in their wake. "With the commercial success of One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Kesey bought property in La Honda and moved his wife and children and assorted Merry Pranksters to the mountains outside of San Francisco.". As explained in Alex Gibney and Alison Ellwood's 2011 documentary "Magic Trip," which recounts the Merry Pranksters' journey to the 1964 World Fair in New York City using original footage filmed by the Pranksters themselves, Kesey saw the journey as a means to "open things up" in American society.In this case, the word "trip" certainly serves a double meaning: Kesey supplied his cohort with . Today in psychedelic history (12/22) 1. It was here that all the beautiful pictures of Cathy and Neal on the left were taken by Ron Bevirt. Larry M. calmed me down. And then I heard she passed away. Nor the next. The Merry Pranksters' bus, shown here in Portland years after its famous cross-country trip, never failed to draw a crowd. Molly Campbell He needed closure I think - be careful what you wish for and all that - getting Kathy back was a poisoned chalice - nothing was ever the same again, and he wasn't truly happy. He was a smart, calm, logical guy and I trusted him. Hagen was going to document Kesey on a cross-country journey to discover America. They carried orange juice laced with LSD, which was legal at the time. She subsequently spaced out, went for a walk with the now famous blanket around her shoulders, and was picked up by the cops who didn't have a clue what was happening. Furthur is a 1939 International Harvester school bus purchased by author Ken Kesey in 1964 to carry his "Merry Band of Pranksters" cross-country, filming their counterculture adventures as they went. This is what Sandy and I talked about on the way to the asylum. Many individuals were unaware they were being given the drugs. After running out of gas and pawning a stereo, they finally arrived with no money to what Jim describes as an incredibly friendly scene. "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest was an immediate critical and commercial success. No reported sightings by her friends. I do remember you, but not well. What does that mean? I came of age in the 60s in San Francisco, and Cathy and little Katy let me share a part of it with them and showed me worlds I could never see without them. As had already happened several times in her career, she was once again passed over for a more bankable name. Call back after 24 hours have passed, sir." She graduated from Westfield High School in Westfield, New Jersey, and went on to major in Drama at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, where she counted Richard Benjamin, Paula Prentiss and Karen Black as classmates. The drama in Aspen continues. And then they change what they tell you. Officers responded earlier this month to reports of a man . George "Hardly Visible" Walker told me,"I never thought she was mad". Despite this traumatic episode and being left behind, she remained friends with Kesey until her death and was to travel further in Further, the next time to Mexico. I didnt see Cathy again until many years later when I ran into her in New York City with her then musician boyfriend, and then about 2 years after that, I ran into her back in North Beach in San Francisco. The Captain insisted they didnt have any female and we should leave. The Northwestern University drama major had been asked to become one of the group and star with Neal Cassady in the movie they were making chronicling the Prankster's "search for a kool place". A few days later this nice guy, who was Caitlins real father, came by the apartment and took Katy home. Cathy is young and energetic, a bit of a different character from the usual employees still working in Scranton. Katrina was a very healthy woman and kind of an outlawin her heart she always felt for the underdogshe knew many great New York jazz musiciansTony Fruchela was one of the quintessential " lyrical losers"even more than Chet Baker and Cathy was friends with him and told me many stories. And off they went. You'll have to see for yourself." The boyfriend was screamed at and driven off. A lot. This had to be an acid trip because this was just too big a hiccup in reality: this was too big a lie. So they hit the road without her. Once the ladies touched down in Aspen for a group vacation, fans paid close . I actually smiled. 1998 by the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia Did you get it, Hassler?" Deirdre English: NY Times December 9, 1990 She said, No. I asked what was wrong with Cathy? The website is a revelation. This time I just waited. Kathy was filling in for Pam while she was on maternity leave, and then she still worked there for a while once Pam returned (somewhere in Season 8 I think?). She bit the arresting officer. "What a shot! You need a house with a stone foundation and a kitchen table. One of the last people Cathy Casamo was seen with, before Ken Kesey fed her drugs and abandoned her to a mental hospital, was Neal Cassady. May 19, 2013 - Original Flower Child from the Ken Kesey Magic Bus, aka Stark Naked and Kathy Casano. When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. From this book, Kesey gained the notoriety and the income necessary to draw together his motley band of Merry Pranksters, who through their many antics and travels, set the stage for the Psychedelic Era that was to follow. In regard to Cathy Casamo, aka "Stark Naked", most of the confusion began, I believe, with Tom Wolfe's popular second-hand version of the bus story in, the flashbacks of Ken "Intrepid Traveler" Babbs in. The Kens, Kesey and Babbs, parked a mysterious jar in my kitchen cabinet - I didn't investigate but I suslpect we'd all be just getting out of jail now if that jar had fallen into official hands. I always thought that it was like if you told Cathy a joke and she laughed, she not only got it; she got you. I called and you said you had her and I could pick her up if I came here and I said Id be there in 20 minutes and you said okay. (The blanket she had been wearing around her shoulders was left behind in the bus.) Employee communication. On the back was a warning: 'Weird Load'. The only hope was Larry McMurtrys lawyer. Cathy very quickly looks to have an affair with Jim on the Florida trip. Cathy Casamo, friend of Mike Hagen, joined at the last minute, hoping to star in the movie they were supposedly making, but she was left behind in Houston. three days. Dear Caitlin, She was naked. Artist Roy Sebern painted the word Furthur on the destination placard as a kind of one-word poem and inspiration to keep going whenever the bus broke down. Looking over the top of his glasses arrows to review and enter to select is! Babbs says, `` Cathy was in there I never thought she was mad '' know. in 1960... Later, I heard that Cathy was living with a stone foundation and a friend was there, Katy... 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