Right now in Syria, were in the most aggressive E.W. After his brief stint in the Syrian Arab Army, Bouta went to work in the construction industry, working primarily as a bricklayer. Its mercenaries have also fought in Ukraine and the Central African Republic, and are said to be active in Libya, Sudan and Mozambique. which was captured on video at the Alexander Malkevich, whose employees were detained in Libya, is part of Moscows efforts to create a concert of chaos around the globe. The European Union on Saturday announced additional sanctions against Russia's Wagner Group mercenary and economic organization for An hour later, the enemy fighters had started to retreat and the American troops stopped firing. American intelligence officials say that the Wagner Group, known by the nickname of the retired Russian officer who leads it, is in Syria to seize oil and gas fields and protect them on behalf of the Assad government. WebPosted by 2 days ago. Neither Timchenko nor Prigozhin are expressly named in connection with Boutas killing. These soldiers are likely to be used as cannon fodder to try to limit Russian military losses, he has said. A Russian-speaking man who filmed the torture and killing of a prisoner in Syria has been identified as a member of Wagner, a Russian private military company with ties to the Kremlin that has aggressively expanded into the Middle East and Africa in recent years. New Report Exposes Brutal Methods of Russias Wagner Group, Click + to receive email alerts for new stories written by, The perpetrators, who have not yet been charged, were, Close to Russian government but nominally independent, private military contractors give the Kremlin a degree of plausible deniability and have complicated efforts by Western policymakers to formulate a response. The group is often described as President Vladimir Putin s off-the-books troops. The clip of the brutal murder in Syria, apparently filmed in the summer of 2017, resurfaced this week in the wake of an investigation by Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta. Putins Russian Critics AreGrowingEver Louder, The Conversation About Ukraine Is Cracking Apart, The State Departments Lack of Diversity Is Bad for U.S. They are the Swiss Army knives of modern Russian warfare and serve as force multipliers, arms merchants, trainers of local military and security personnel, and political consultants, according to a recent. Almost a year later, the court found that the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, which had the power to open Late last November, videos of a gruesome killing went viral on Russian social networks. Mercenary activity that enables and secures these business interests has become the most visible manifestation of these networks. At least one Marine exposed himself to incoming fire as he used a missile guidance computer to find targets locations and pass them on to the commandos calling in the airstrikes. In the past month, the number of Wagner troops in the country has more than tripled to over 1,000. Yevgeny Prigozhin is the man behind a mercenary force fighting for Russia in Ukraine. Delivered Wednesday. Wagner Group hired guns hammer a deserter to death Videotaped and shown on the internet, execution is a flesh-and-blood metaphor for the botched Ukraine invasion by Daniel Williams November 17, 2022 Print Yevgeny Nuzhin is pictured alive, before his executioner smashed his skull with a sledgehammer. The newspaper said it had also obtained an application form he had filled out for Wagner and a copy of a non-disclosure agreement he had signed. At the outpost, American soldiers watched a column of tanks and other armored vehicles turn and drive toward them around 10 p.m., emerging from a neighborhood of houses where they had tried to gather undetected. Nuzhin, 55, had been serving a 24-year prison sentence for a murder he committed in 1999 when he was freed in July and conscripted into Wagner, a notorious military group run by Yevgeny Prigozhin, a powerful Russian businessman and a close ally of Vladimir Putin. He has reported for The New York Times in Moscowand has written for The Guardian, Politico, The New Republic, and Foreign Policy. Wagner In the days leading up to the attack, and on opposite sides of the Euphrates River, Russia and the United States were backing separate offensives against the Islamic State in Syrias oil-rich Deir al-Zour Province, which borders Iraq. Subscribers can send in questions in advance. As the Green Berets and Marines neared the Conoco plant around 11:30 p.m., they were forced to stop. This style of hybrid warfare has become a cornerstone of Russias efforts to project its interests abroad. Claiming to have uncovered one of the mercenaries, it wants Moscow to step in. Then as now, the Kremlin denied any ties to Vagner, but the incident put major pressure on Russia to explain the presence of private mercenaries. The demonstrations come as President Kais Saied depicts opponents and foreigners as threats to national security. Delivered Friday. A handful of Marines ran ammunition to machine guns and Javelin missile launchers scattered along the berms and wedged among the trucks. With Putins help, Assad has constrained the capacity of the United Nations to deliver health supplies in opposition-controlled territory, which faces rising risk of the coronavirus. Bouta was born in August 1986 in the Syrian province of Deir Ezzor in a village not far from where one of his alleged assailants, Vlaidslav Apostol, was killed only months after beating Bouta with a sledgehammer. The day began with little hint of the battle that was about to unfold. The European Unionon Saturday announced additional sanctions against Russia's Wagner Group mercenary and economic organization for "human rights abuses" committed in the Central African Republic, Mali, Sudan and Ukraine. Flashes from tank muzzles, antiaircraft weapons and machine guns lit up the air. On his way back to Syria in 2017, he was arrested and drafted into the Syrian military. A videos posted online last year appeared to show Wagner contractors using a sledgehammer to execute a fighter they accused of surrendering. to the research by Frontline Forensics, which was published by New America. The most pointed criticisms of the war are coming from those charged with fighting it. He said Russia seemed to be turning to them to bolster its troops in the east of Ukraine because the group already had experience fighting in the Donbas region for the past eight years. Mercenaries from the Wagner Group in Bangui, Central African Republic, in 2019. relying on tens of thousands of inexperienced conscripts. The Ukraine Questioned about the clip and Novaya Gazeta's report, the Kremlin denied any knowledge of the men depicted. Wagner expanded to Syria in 2015, tasked with bolstering President Bashar al-Assad and seizing oil and gas fields, American officials said. Ukraines economy and infrastructure have been dealt blows that will take decades to recover from. Media and think tank reports indicate that natural gas extraction by EvroPolis, a firm Prigozhin holds a stake in according to U.S. authorities, generated about $162 million from al-Shaer and several other nearby gas fields in 2017, the same year Bouta was killed. Expanding Influence Last month, the FBI placed Prigozhin on its Most Wanted list in connection with his alleged role in interfering in American elections in 2016 and 2018, offering a $250,000 reward for information leading to his arrest The U.S. government has also sanctioned Prigozhin for his alleged ties to Russian mercenaries affiliated with the Wagner Group. $162 million from oil and gas fields in central Syria in 2017 alone. Four days before the newspaper report, the Syrian news site Jesr Press published what it claimed was the victim's name: a 33-year-old from Deir al-Zor who had left the country when civil war broke out but reportedly returned in 2017 to join government forces propping up the rule of President Bashar al-Assad. Explore the benefits included in your subscription. Weekly update on developments in India and its neighbors. The companies hit by sanctions included gold and diamond mining operations in the CAR and Sudan. The Wagner Group has achieved near-mythical status in the Russian and international press in recent years for its role in Russias interference efforts abroad, but there is no evidence that a single registered entity called Wagner exists, said Jack Margolin, a senior analyst with the nonprofit Center for Advanced Defense Studies (C4ADS), which provided analytical support for the report. As the videos of Boutas torture and beheading were circulated, they became a rallying point for the social networks that have coalesced around Russias mercenary activity abroad. The documents described the fighters as a pro-regime force, loyal to President Bashar al-Assad of Syria. And at a minimum, squaring off in crowded battlefields has added to heightened tensions between Russia and the United States as they each seek to exert influence in the Middle East. One-stop digest of politics, economics, and culture. Then-CIA Director Mike Pompeo told Congress that a "a couple hundred Russians" were killed in the attack. The Kremlin has repeatedly denied any connections to Russian private military security contractors operating in Syria. Is the Biden administrations China policy too hawkish? But Medvedev said he wasn't afraid. After working for a time in Lebanon, Bouta decided to return to his family in Deir Ezzor. If Putin had hoped to weaken NATO, the very opposite has happened, with Finland and Sweden on the cusp of joining the transatlantic military alliance. "I'm at risk. Unconfirmed reports said Nuzhin had been part of a recent Russian-Ukrainian prisoner exchange, news that has led to concerns among human rights groups. Kremlin-linked private military group posted video on Telegram of apparent execution in Russia of Yevgeny Nuzhin. There is a dynamic evolution in the fusion of Russian ultranationalist groups and Russian paramilitaries going on that nobody is really paying attention to or seeing yet, said Candace Rondeaux, a professor of practice in the School of Politics and Global Studies at Arizona State University and the author of the report. "Yet, [private military companies] also pose substantial risks for a regime determined to keep a lid on domestic outcry over its military adventurism and to manage blowback," the report said. Its officers serving in Syria are reported to earn up to 300,000 roubles (3,800; $5,300) a month. The report also revealed that at least one of the Russian-speaking men in the video had fought in the embattled region of Donbas in eastern Ukraine before traveling to Syria to work for a contingent affiliated to the Wagner Group. At 3 p.m. the Syrian force began edging toward the Conoco plant. A Russian-speaking man who filmed the torture and killing of a prisoner in Syria has been identified as a member of Wagner, a Russian private military company According to a report this monthon Wagner by the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime, the CAR is Wagner's biggest African base of operations. Wagner has repeatedly been accused of war crimes and human rights abuses, including of the torture and slaying of prisoners in Syria, where it has been fighting alongside the Russian army and the government of Bashar al-Assad. Yevgeny Prigozhin, a close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin who was indicted in the United States for attempted interference in the 2016 presidential election, is widely regarded as the driving force behind the mercenary group. Our whole family was in tears watching the video he was murdered like an animal, Nuzhin said. Initially, Russian officials said only four Russian citizens but perhaps dozens more were killed; a Syrian officer said around 100 Syrian soldiers had died. standing, Ukrainians are determined to keep fighting, and the West has so far stayed resolute in its support of Ukraine. By one estimate from Harvard University, more than 130,000 Ukrainian soldiers have been killed or severely wounded, in addition to the deaths of more than 7,000 Ukrainian civilians. The GRU often directs and supports the group in combat, and the available evidence indicates close coordination in Ilya Novikov, one of the Russian attorneys who filed the ground-breaking legal complaint, said in a written statement that he and his co-counsel Petr Zaikin, decided to initiate the case after a demand for Russias Investigative Committee, the countrys top prosecutorial body, apparently fell flat. EvroPolis was sanctioned by the U.S. Treasury in 2018 for being owned or controlled by Prigozhin. Want to read more on this topic or region? The clip purportedly showing a brutal murder in Syria resurfaced this week after apparently being filmed in 2017. Apostols family have reportedly confirmed that he worked as a private security contractor in Syria, and that he was one of several hundred Russians killed in a U.S. airstrike in the northeastern Syrian province of Deir Ezzor. MatthewLuxmooreis a Moscow-based journalist covering Russia and the former Soviet Union. Weekly update on whats driving U.S. national security policy. In Syria, A Mutilated Corpse, Video Evidence, And New Scrutiny For Russian Mercenaries. Companies linked to the Wagner group are snapping up oil and gas leaseswith an eye to pumping influence, not oil. Commandos Unfolded in Syria, https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/24/world/middleeast/american-commandos-russian-mercenaries-syria.html. A few of the commandos, including Air Force combat controllers, worked the radios to direct the next fleet of bombers flying toward the battlefield. This has forced us, as human rights defenders, to turn to Russian investigative authorities, Novikov said. Explore the benefits of your FP subscription. WASHINGTON The artillery barrage was so intense that the American commandos dived into foxholes for protection, emerging covered in flying dirt and debris to fire back at a column of tanks advancing under the heavy shelling. Contacted by Novaya Gazeta, relatives and friends of the Russian man, named as Stanislav D., either did not respond or denied any affiliation with him. It has since been hailing Russia as contributing to an end to post-colonial French influence in the country. There are many questions and I hope we get to the bottom of this, Vladimir Osechkin, the head of Gulagu.net, a rights group focusing on alleged abuses in the Russian prison system, told the Guardian. Journalists, open-source researchers, and other observers have tracked Russian military companies to operations in the Central African Republic, Mozambique, and Libya. It was the opening salvo in a nearly four-hour assault in February by around 500 pro-Syrian government forces including Russian mercenaries that threatened to inflame already-simmering tensions between Washington and Moscow. Delivered Monday-Saturday. Asked whether the Kremlin is aware of accusations of potential war crimes allegedly committed by some of the Russian mercenary groups fighting in Syria, Peskov answered: "This is not a question for the presidential administration." Ahrar Houran, which he helped to found, confirmed the news. The men responsible for murdering Bouta are believed to have worked for EvroPolis, a company that exemplifies the way organizations within the network have blended business and warfare. Ever since Washington passed its Inflation Reduction Act, which provides subsidies and investment opportunities for clean energy initiatives, a cShow morehorus of lawmakers in Europe and Asia have begun to say the United States is fostering unfair competition. are assisting Somali soldiers fighting Al Shabab, and by a health care system that utterly failed him, The case has irritated U.S. relations with a crucial military ally, four Russian citizens but perhaps dozens more. Between 200 to 300 fighters were killed in the battle, including scores of Russian mercenaries, to be working in the region to seize control of a nearby gas plant on behalf of EvroPolis. Commanders of the rival militaries had long steered clear of the other by speaking through often-used deconfliction telephone lines. Russian government forces in Syria maintain they were not involved in the battle. The group is not registered as a legal entity anywhere in the world. U.N. investigators and rights groups say Wagner troops have targeted civilians, conducted mass executions and looted private property in conflict zones. Rather than being a single organization, Wagner is an opaque network of titular companies and private military contractors that simultaneously further the Kremlins interests abroad while lining the pockets of those involved by gaining access to lucrative energy and natural resources mining contracts in the countries in which they operate. Russia and the US have both been on repeated diplomatic missions to Africa since the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, trying to win allies and explain their positions as the fighting has serious knock-on impacts for food and fuel prices for some of the poorest parts of the world. So unused to being challenged, the United States has become so filled with anxiety over China that sober responses are becoming nearly impossible. From their outpost, the commandos watched the mercenaries and Syrian fighters return to collect their dead. A team of about 30 Delta Force soldiers and Rangers from the Joint Special Operations Command were working alongside Kurdish and Arab forces at a small dusty outpost next to a Conoco gas plant, near the city of Deir al-Zour. The others retreated under merciless airstrikes from the United States, returning later to retrieve their battlefield dead. Their presence, in the eastern region known as Donbas that is home to Russia-backed separatist groups, raises concerns, given the groups history. A half-hour later, the Russian mercenaries and Syrian forces struck. The Guardian has previously reported that Prigozhin was personally recruiting soldiers from Russias extensive penitentiary system in an attempt to compensate for acute shortages of personnel on the battlefield. It wasnt until November 2019, when further videos emerged, that journalists were able to identify the perpetrators as well as the victim. The researchers social network analysis also revealed substantial cross-affiliation with Rusich, a Russian neo-Nazi paramilitary group that has operated in eastern Ukraine. Is the Biden administrations China policy too hawkish? Russia has played all sides in the conflict to get a seat at the negotiating table. What is the Wagner Group? Join FPs Ravi Agrawal for a wide-ranging conversation with U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai on the Biden administrations trade and economic policiesand the impacts they have on the world. The reports revelations have chilling implications, as Russian mercenaries motivated by both money and far-right ideology are increasingly operating unchecked in some of the worlds most fragile countries. The military dependence of the CAR administration on Wagner has translated into a very influential political role for the mercenary organization," the report said. "The advent of the digital age means [such companies'] activities are often hidden in plain sight, and disinformation is no longer a fail-safe remedy when the secrecy of covert operations is compromised.". It operates in a situation of opacity, theres a real lack of transparency and thats the whole point, said Sorcha MacLeod, chair of the United Nations Working Group on the use of mercenaries, which has scrutinized the group. Marine rocket artillery was fired from the ground. The documents reveal that the company earned $162 million from oil and gas fields in central Syria in 2017 alone. Watch the conversation or read the condensed transcript. U.S. forces clashed with pro-Syrian government forces, the majority of which are believed to have been Russian mercenaries, in Syrias Deir Ezzor province in 2018. Join FPs Ravi Agrawal for a wide-ranging conversation with U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai on the Biden administrations trade and economic policiesand the impacts they have on the world. Xi Jinpings signature foreign policy is a shadow of its former self.. After more than a year of government stonewalling and dodging allegations about the case, advocates for the victim say, Russian authorities will now be forced to go on record no matter what. Jesr said the killing took place near the al-Shaer oil field in the Syrian province of Homs, which at the time of the incident, would have been under the control of the Russian-backed government of Assad. Mourning has consumed Xinjiang scholars for a region they can no longer reach. The shaky cell phone footage taken at al-Shaer gas plant near Palmyra, Syria, shows a Syrian man, who was known to friends and family as Hamdi Bouta, lying on the ground, surrounded by Russian-speaking men in military fatigues. In the interviews, he also criticised the Russian leadership and expressed his desire to join the Ukrainian forces and fight against Moscow. An image uploaded to social media shortly before the article was published shows four men posing before a decapitated body in what appears to be the same spot shown in the videos. Stay updated on the topics you care about with email alerts. One person sanctioned by the EU was described as "the security advisor" to PresidentFaustin Archange-Touadera. Online messages sent to him and his wife by the Guardian were not immediately returned on Thursday. "In exchange for access to natural resources principally diamonds and gold Wagner has provided President Faustin Archange-Touadera with military and political support, which has proven pivotal in sustaining his embattled presidency against an onslaught of rebel groups. Wagner Group The brutal torture and beheading in video from Syria, according to the Kremlin, none of Putin's business. Around 300 Wagner fighters are believed to have been killed or wounded in a firefight with U.S.-led Kurdish forces in Syria in February 2018. February's report into the Wagner Group had concluded that: "Looking ahead, it appears that Wagner is looking to expand into new territories in Africa, even as some of its troops have been drawn into supporting Russia's increasingly long-term war in Ukraine.". The Russian president got many things wrong about invading Ukrainebut not everything. Syrian authorities arrested Bouta as he crossed the border and turned him over to members of the Syrian military. Osechkin said all signs pointed to Wagners involvement in the killing and said he planned to send a request to Russias authorities to launch a criminal case. FPs Ravi Agrawal spoke with two of the very best Russia experts:Angela Stent, a nonresident senior fellow at the Brookings Institution and the author ofPutins World: Russia Against the West and With the Rest, and Michael Kofman, the research program director of the Russia studies program at the Center for Naval Analyses. With Russia suffering heavy losses, according to U.S. intelligence, Mr. Putin is sending battle-hardened reinforcements with experience into Ukraine, according to experts, including Jeremy Fleming, the director of Britains electronic surveillance agency. Thousands of Russian contractors fought in Syria alongside a 2015 military intervention by Putin that helped turn the tide in the countrys civil war and saved the government of Bashar al-Assad. According to Jesr, the man was captured by Russian forces after a desertion attempt from the Syrian Army. It sheds new light on the networks operations and reveals how the killing became a rallying point for Russian ultranationalists online. The conflict is prolonged, involves heavy weaponry, civilians are impacted in a substantial way, human rights violations and war crimes increase substantially, and theres no access to justice for victims., https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/31/world/europe/wagner-group-russia-ukraine.html. In an interview with the Russian human rights group Gulagu.net late on Sunday, Ilya Nuzhin said his family learned of their fathers death through Telegram, which left them horrified. Three Wagner Group mercenaries are alleged by Ukrainian prosecutors to have killed and tortured civilians near Kyiv in April 2022, alongside regular Russian troops. Novaya Gazeta called on Russian law enforcement to investigate the case. At this point, members of the group Bouta was traveling with notified Boutas brother-in-law, who was in Lebanon at the time, that the Syrian military had taken Bouta into custody. NEW FOR SUBSCRIBERS: He married and started a family. He has previously denied any links to the group, though various investigations have linked him to its activities. Allegations of the Wagner Groups involvement in the torture and murder of al-Abdullah, who is better known by his nicknames, Hamdi or Hamadi Bouta, first emerged in June 2017 when a two-minute long video clip of the killing surfaced in an anonymous post on a Reddit subchannel popular with military geeks. South Africa and Russia deepen military ties, Ukraine updates: Zelenskyy calls for ICC Russia probe, More than mercenaries: Russia's Wagner Group in Africa, Russian troops step up fight to cut off Bakhmut supply lines, French court dismisses case against TotalEnergies, Pakistan: The school that's free for Afghan refugee children, New hurdles for sea rescuers in the Mediterranean, Tunisia: Presidential scapegoating stokes fear and support, Canada Soccer president resigns amid equal pay dispute, committed in the Central African Republic, Mali, Sudan, the most influential form of Russian engagement in Africa today, has also prompted the country to step up its diplomatic drive in Africa, Mali's ruling junta last year forced French troops out of the country soon after committing a coup and welcomed in Wagner forces, At a vote at the UN General Assembly this week. The mercenary, who was been identified as Stanislav D by the Novaya Gazeta newspaper, is a former police officer from the Stavropol region in southern Russia. In the video, the men urge each other on to greater violence, telling one to cut harder while beheading the victim. Activists argue the struggles for state transparency and national liberation are one and the same. Roughly 20 miles away, at a base known as a mission support site, a team of Green Berets and a platoon of infantry Marines stared at their computer screens, watching drone feeds and passing information to the Americans at the gas plant about the gathering fighters. Even if Moscow holds onto territory, the war has wrecked its future. In another part of the video that originally surfaced in 2017, the four men laugh to a soundtrack of Russian rock music as they use a sledgehammer to crush the hand of a man shown pinned to the ground wearing bloodied civilian clothes in what appears to be an industrial zone. Delivered Wednesday & Sunday. Anyone can read what you share. A few days later, Novaya Gazeta, one of Russias only remaining independent daily news outlets, published a report naming Stanislav Dychko as one of several Russian nationals depicted in the video. At one point in the video, a second severed head can be seen lying on the ground. Wagner is estimated to have as many as 2,500 men in Syria. Prigozhin, who is under western sanctions for his role in Wagner, on Sunday voiced his approval for the killing, calling Nuzhin a traitor. Your guide to the most important world stories of the day. The perpetrators, who have not yet been charged, were identified by the Russian independent news outlet Novaya Gazeta as private military security contractors for the so-called Wagner Group. The Kremlin-backed Wagner Group will be exposed to legal proceedings for the first time after video emerged of man in Syria being beaten with a sledgehammer and then beheaded. It wasnt until November 2019, when further videos emerged, that journalists were able to identify the perpetrators as well as the victim. If Putin had hoped to weaken NATO, the very opposite has happened, with Finland and Sweden on the cusp of joining the transatlantic military alliance. By then, some of the American warplanes had returned to base, low on either fuel or ammunition. What will another year of war look like? The open source investigation team Bellingcat also said it had identified the same person. Their faces are uncovered. Many as 2,500 men in Syria resurfaced this week after apparently being filmed in 2017 alone 2017 alone eye! Said it had identified the same person until November 2019, when further videos emerged, that journalists were to... Saied depicts opponents and foreigners as threats to national security mourning has Xinjiang. Many as 2,500 men in Syria ultranationalists online video Evidence, and culture stayed in. 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