In passing, Sidney hands over flowers for Emma, though he is regretful to not finding anything in the case showing Regina is involved. One night, she rips out pages from a fairytale book and burns them in a trash can in an effort to keep warm. Upon realizing the mermaid has summoned a storm at sea, Regina turns the mermaid into a statue, which only speeds up the storm. Disdainfully, Regina catches on that Emma is now part of the police force team. Zelena turns down Emma's offer of protection as she doesn't want to start trouble that might have a bad influence on her baby. They spot the compass on a top of a golden bird cage, but before retrieving it, the giant storms in. Out the blue, Emma asks Neal would he go back to the Enchanted Forest if there was a way. David and Mary Margaret announce they are naming him after a true heroNeal. Ok I'll let her know. ("The Song in Your Heart"), Growing up in the foster care system, Emma moves from family to family. Snow and Hook notice something off with her, but she assures them all is well before walking off into a clearing, where her hand begins shaking on its own. Following a day of playing, a sleeping Henry is carried back to the apartment by Neal and they put him to bed. When Regina finds out that child was hers too, she turns to Emma for comfort. Child Emma. Emma begins marching off to fight Hades, believing he will kill again, but David persuades her to slow down because they haven't got a plan yet, and she hasn't dealt with her grief over Hook. Since Mr. Gold is the only one without a shadow, he regains the box and goes up alone. ". Despite knowing Henry's beliefs aren't real, Emma doesn't have the heart to hurt him by destroying his book and insists she isn't ready to do it. Before they can kiss, David and Mary Margaret interrupt and tell Emma about Cruella and Ursula reviving Maleficent. She is upset that putting her trust in Mr. Gold has yielded no help for Mary Margaret, though he claims there is still time to "work a little magic". Hook offers her some rum and asks how she got the map to work, which Emma briefs that she just followed Pan's instructions. Emma tries to convince Henry that the reason David got lost a few nights back by the Toll Bridge is due to amnesia. A fissure in the ice reveals Anna's lost necklace, which Elsa retrieves. That night, Emma keeps a miserable Mary Margaret company. " Birth " is the eighth episode of the fifth season of the American fantasy drama series Once Upon a Time, which aired on November 15, 2015. Henry had hopes of being in the Enchanted Forest, but a new operation in Storybrooke is fun too. Soon, Regina evicts Emma from the inn due to a "no-felons policy" and puts a boot on her car. #onceuponatime Henry is afraid of what might happen if she tries to take him back. Ultimately, I am a hero. Emma is surprised to hear Leroy mention that Dopey is no longer a tree, but Leroy notes that the dwarves got him out and they weren't waiting for her to fix things. ("Siege Perilous"), In an attempt to ward off nightmares, Emma begins carving and fashioning dream catchers, just as Rumplestiltskin coaxes her to enter Regina's room and get the dagger, which is calling for her. Regina is even more dangerous because she does. Rumplestiltskin. Killian was allowed to cut the umbilical cord. After Emma fully transforms into the Dark One, she is wearing a hair ornament reminiscent of the wings of a swan. Hook refuses to accept this and asks what happened in Camelot, though Emma dances around the question, citing that it'd be no fun to give him a straight answer. Its me. When she doesn't answer, Hook notes she is not the old Emma, as the person he knew didn't play games. Henry shows Emma a newspaper ad of a house Hook wants to move into with her. Tamara is unruffled, and tries to sooth Emma's worries by saying she can trust her. At the hospital, Emma rushes to Henry, who has a broken arm and is disappointed to learn from Fiona that he hasn't given up on his fairytale nonsense. Hook decides he is staying in the Underworld after Hades' defeat, to which Emma gives up on trying to persuade him that she forgives him, and for his own closure, he needs to forgive himself. Henry convinces Emma that she was wrong for not believing in Regina, and he defends his decision to destroy magic because he doesn't want to lose either of his moms to magic like with his father. ("The Savior"), At the diner, Emma witnesses Regina giving a formal welcome to the Untold Stories residents that is met with approval. ("Only You"), Leaving Henry and Violet to wait in the library, Emma and Regina pinpoint Mr. Gold after seeing a magic storm cloud above the Hotel D'or building. After Emma is caught by Cleo, she is taken to a motel and handcuffed to the bedpost. Her parents race further ahead in the search for Regina while she and Neal walk the hallways. He started walking out and looked back at me, but I pointed at the door. Emma shows off her increasingly powerful magic to Hook, who reacts grumpily when she teleports away his hook, but he refuses to talk about the real reason for his bad mood. Emma convinces Henry they are real with their plan to save him entitled, "Operation Cobra Rescue". Hyde leaves them with a warning about the dangers of untold stories, especially if those in the stories don't want them to be told. "Ok Emma, there is still one baby that needs to come out. He recounts fighting a version of himself created by the Wicked Witch's magic and killing it with his sword hilt, but both disappeared afterwards. Regina reveals Mr. Gold is in league with Zelena, who has been pretending to be Marian this whole time. He offers her some of Graham's belongings, but Emma refuses all but a set of walkie-talkies, which she takes to Henry for their Operation Cobra, but the boy is too upset because ofGraham's death to care about the gift. Even though she can help them, Tinker Bell wants to know what's in it for herself. He introduces her to Emma as his fiance, Tamara. ("The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter"), At some point, Emma learns the result of the autopsy and tells Henry that Graham died of natural causes, but the kid does not buy it. In an instant, Emma magically sets up their meal and changes herself into the same dress and hairstyle she had on their first date. Emma hurries to the diner where the other townspeople are gathered. As they hastily leave, Neal steals a swan keychain for her. In a test to reach the ambrosia, Emma offers her heart up for judgment by placing it on one side of a weight scale. Going on a hutch, Emma follows Mr. Gold into the woods and breaks into a shed to find him pummeling Moe. Emma and Hook have had this secret romance ever since Neal died. Mr. Gold comes to warn them about Regina's plans of revenge on Mary Margaret and decides to help further by stopping it from happening after David demands him to do so. Pregnant Evil Queen | Regina Mills. She and Graham investigate at a caved in sinkhole. Sometimes Emma's mind becomes too much for her. Later, Emma answers a phone call from David, who can't seem to find Mary Margaret. An aged Hook attempts to "rescue" Emma, as there is a reward for whoever returns her to her family, but Emma knocks him out and teleports him away. Swan-Mills family moments. Tinker Bell acknowledges that people not believing in her anymore, so she stopped being a fairy. After his death, she rejoins David to catch Zelena at the apartment, but she is already gone. Unable to best Emma, Hook reveals his true identity as a shocked Mary Margaret pulls his hook out of his satchel. Regina explains that Emma, intentionally or not, ruined her life, and that's something she should live with. When the sapling is destroyed by the Queen, Emma and Regina prepare to counterattack with their combined magic, except Snow and David decide to give up their hearts in order to save the townspeople. Instead, Emma kidnaps Zelena, intending to put Hook's darkness as well as her own into the witch, and then kill her as a means to extinguish the darkness for good. With Archie's dog, Pongo, he tracks his owner and Henry's scents to a grate with an elevator shaft below. Emma tries to ask the young Pinocchio if he can remember what August was trying to tell her before, but he cannot recall. Not in the mood, she shuts him down for attempting to bond with her. After a brisk ride, they stop in an empty meadow, where Hook gives her a middlemist flower, as she looks around in amazement, seeing the meadow is now populated with blooming middlemists. As the completed sword lingers in the air, she moves to grab it, before recalling the warning Merlin gave her when she was a young girl about not taking out Excalibur. On return to the apartment, Emma allows Regina to attempt the heart split, but a barrier keeps Regina from taking out the heart. However, Emma's thoughts are still focused on only Henry, especially after the ordeal he went through in Neverland. "Emma , Regina hasn't exactly been.good to you , lately. A Geronimo Jackson audio cassette with the same motif is lying on young Emma's bed. Inside the vehicle, they break open a freezer and uncover a newspaper clipping of when Pinocchio found Emma, as a baby, on the side of the road; proving the Snow Queen has been watching the savior from the start. Inside, Emma begins unearthing a creaky floorboard that is interrupted by Henry kicking the door. Each contain happy memories both women have shared with Ingrid, who believes by returning them, they will love her. Joined by David and Henry, they all go to the sheriff department in time to witness August stumbling out and collapsing as Emma and Marco attempt to help him. Henry still thinks Neal and Emma have a shot together when Tamara is out of the picture. As Emma shouts at him to give it back, her new foster mother Ingrid approaches to take the camera and returns it to Emma. She was tempted to kiss him but backed away because she was afraid of becoming too attached to this child. Mary Margaret gives Emma the dagger so no one can control her with it, but Emma hands it to Regina, asking her to take her out if she ever goes too far, though Henry reassures her it won't happen. Once Upon A Time season 7 is a total reset for the show. At the clothing store where Tasha works, Emma also buys a red leather jacket similar to the one Cleo used to wear. Emma conjures a forgery of the door page, but Regina settles for taking a photo of the real one. He prattles about needing to find his heart by following a wolf. ("Enter the Dragon"), The next day, Emma, her parents and Hook follow a trail in search of where the villains took Pinocchio. Arthur shows them a tree in the courtyard which the Merlin is trapped in, and he then asks which of them is the savior. She recognizes that it must be the cannery. Before Hook leaves, she tells him that whatever he's not admitting from his year in the Enchanted Forest no longer matters to her. Emma notices he has converted Mary Margaret's room into an armory for protection from Regina, but promises she'll keep him safe instead. Together, they discover Regina is keeping quite a few secrets, such as embezzlement of fifty thousand dollars from the treasury and land she bought from Mr. Gold to build a house in the woods. ("Devil's Due"), Relocating to her house, Emma heals Hook's injuries with magic. ("The New Neverland"), Mr. Gold shares with everyone of the only viable way to stop Pan's curse is for Regina, as the original caster of the Dark Curse, to undo it by destroying the scroll, though there will be a steep price for this. They go past the Toll Bridge where Ruby found the jewelry box with the human heart in it. David fends off a flying monkey as Emma chases after a fleeing Mr. Gold. Neal shuts down his father's price by demanding that he help for the right reasons rather than personal gain. Henry praises her for the escape plan, but Emma has no idea what he is talking about until finding Mary Margaret missing from the cell. Later, Neal admits to being wanted for stealing watches and plans on escaping to Canada alone. Intending to "protect the future" by taking a forgetting potion, the Dark One also entraps them in his vault. Established SQ until their relationship deteriorates. Assuming they are from Graham, she tosses them into the garbage bin, however, Mary Margaret admits the flowers are for her from Dr. Whale. Yennefer is gifted a blessing of fertility by Tissaia. Snow convinces Charming that they'll use Maleficent's egg since she believes a child of a dragoness will be evil by nature. ("The Queen Is Dead"), On the way back to Storybrooke on the Jolly Roger, Emma visits Mr. Gold in his bunker. Symbolically, in this moment, both Emma and Elsa learn to accept their magic. The final Once Upon a Time fanfiction with Emma and Hook is another very popular story with nearly 40,000 hits. In private, Emma suggests Regina should take a break because of what she's going through. Emma and Lily grow close in this short span of time, and they promise to remain friends no matter what. ", "Your father said you weren't feeling well and said you came here. He is called away due to a phone call from Mary Margaret requesting him to come to the apartment and meet their new midwife, Zelena. Hoping for a quick answer on how to annihilate Hades, Emma goes directly to Mr. Gold, but he refuses to tell her and instead blames her for getting everyone involved in her problem. At the last minute, Emma surprisingly constructs a makeshift landing out of the bridge planks to save herself; proving just how much power she has since Regina had only wanted her to simply retie the cut rope. As the remaining pair comb the woods near the holly berry bushes, Emma, believing Hook is hiding something, pries him about what happened in the Enchanted Forest, but he refuses to say. Emma leaves the two to talk. ("Shattered Sight"), On the day she officially receives the deputy's badge, a large earthquake rumbles through Storybrooke. She heads to the manor where Mr. Gold directs her into a room to be stripped of magic. They find John Doe passed out in the water near the Toll Bridge. Emma is touched by Hook's confession and shares a kiss with him, just after David has left the shed with the potions, which Hook was helping him to get without Emma's knowledge. They receive an unexpected appearance by Lancelot, who is revealed to be Cora in disguise. Mary Margret if you would please wait in the waiting room." When Emma asks him if he likes the pizza, Henry indirectly shows his grudge against her remains by saying that it's good and doesn't lie. He begins crushing Hook's heart, but an angry Belle compels him to stop with the real dagger. Later that night, Henry's moms watch their son dance with Violet, with both of them feeling relieved that he will be all right, despite the worries each of them had about him growing up. She sneaks past Jefferson, who is sharpening a pair of scissors, and discovers Mary Margaret in a separate room. Dr. Whales told me to push and I did, I screamed so loud. ("Going Home", "An Untold Story"). She and Hook spend time on the farm, where she takes Archie's advice and asks Hook to move in with her. Fearing he'll get hurt again, she emits another blast to force him to leave. While both men begin having their shadows ripped out, Emma uses magic to light the candle and entrap Pan's shadow inside. Regina, recognizing she means well, tells Emma to stay out of the issue. When Hook hints that she desires to leave town, Emma finds her intentions questioned by Regina. By chance, she meets Mr. Gold, who comes in to collect the monthly rent from Granny. Before Charon can arrive, Emma makes a final attempt to stop the Dark Ones, but Nimue intervenes by magically constricting her throat. Ashley is in deep despair that no one believes she can be a good mother, to which Emma advises her to make changes if she is truly serious about keeping the baby. Before David goes to sleep so Snow can be awake to help track the flowers, Emma asks him about he can cope with being separated from Snow for so long, to which he explains his belief in knowing Snow is fighting as hard for him as he is for her. Emma assumes the fresh cut on his cheek was Pan's doing, but he divulges that Henry did it. Emma decides to stay with Henry, and will leave town while Regina crafts new memories for them. With persuasion from Regina, Zelena forfeits the slippers to her. With her demise, the spell of shattered sight comes to an end as Emma acknowledges the Snow Queen's nobility in the end. After paying back Mary Margaret for bail, the schoolteacher counsels her against leaving town because she needs to protect Henry. Pushed to her limit, Emma reveals it was the only way to free Merlin. To keep that from happening, Emma instructs Ruby to look for something useful for the investigation before David goes into another trance. While packing for her first camping trip with them, she searches the garage for her sleeping bag and discovers Lily hiding out there. Out of frustration, Regina accuses Emma of listening to Hook because he's her "boyfriend", which she is incredulous at the claims. She apologizes to Henry for not being helpful earlier, but he is just glad she is safe. After August reveals the backstory of the Author's corrupt ways, Emma unlocks the illustration, freeing the man inside it. Spitefully, Emma buys a chainsaw to cut Regina's apple tree, and then warns the mayor against trying anything again. Hook relates how the ring is a testament to his ability to survive throughout the years, and he is giving it to her so she can survive and come back to him. This reminds her of Hook, whom she has always believed to be a survivor yet he left her when things got tough between them. In a bout of intense rage, Regina uses magic to physically shove Emma away and even dared her to use magic in her defense. The Captain's Baby: A Once Upon a time Fanfic. In the morning, Emma gives Henry a cover story about Hook and the three head to Storybrooke. When Mr. Gold is close to waking from his coma, Emma kidnaps him to her house basement, where she crushes the sword over him to complete the healing spell. Henry insists Fiona pushed him and is trying to snuff out her belief, however, Emma ends up listening to Fiona, who laments that her son will do even more bodily harm to himself in the future if his wild imagination continues. Instead, a furious Marian is disgusted at Regina, who she remembers as the Evil Queen and calls her a "monster". When they expose her greed at the town meeting, Regina reveals her "house" is actually a modern playground for Henry and for all the children of Storybrooke. What to Expect When 'Once Upon a Time' Heads to the Underworld, 'Once Upon a Time' Creators, Jennifer Morrison Discuss Dark Swan's "Constant Conflict". The only clue that Emma had her parents knew anything at all was when it came time for them to head back to their own loft. Important things must be said three times! Then Emma and Regina struggle to make a family together. ("Lily"), Returning to town, Emma and Regina not only bring Lily but Robin and Zelena as well. Later, Emma makes the effort to unveil the map by stating facts about herself, with encouragement from her parents, but nothing works. As David and Hook advance in, Elsa forms icicles and causes an avalanche that traps herself and Emma on the other side. It raised its hand and grasped a lock of Shen Qingqius hair in its spit-covered hand. In shock, Emma accuses Neal and his father, Mr. Gold, of conspiring against her because of her origin from the Enchanted Forest. Or it wouldn't if he hadn't possibly accidentally promised to provide Thorin with an heir and Din just might still be scheming something. An afternoon in the apple orchards with Ruby/Belle and Emma/Regina and their daughters - carefree and happy family times ensue filled with nothing but bantering and a lot of fluff. Regina then offers herself as bait at the town line, to which Emma accelerates the vehicle speed and then halts abruptly, which hurls the Chernabog off the car roof and through the barrier, where it ceases to exist. When she playfully calls him out for lying to her, Hook tells her about visiting Archie in order to process his emotions about almost having lost her. A call from Belle notifies Emma of the origin of Neal's mark from a key to the vault of the Dark One that he must have used to resurrect Mr. Gold. Having heard about Emma and how she forced Violet to break Henry's heart, Zelena recalls knowing what it's like to be betrayed by a mother and being angry about it for a long time. But the womens troubled relationship and tie through Henry means Emma has stayed around. Lastly, Belle commands Mr. Gold to take herself and him to the town line. With a pat on her back, he urges his mother to go into the diner. Anton spots Emma and rushes off to greet her with a warm embrace. Just then, Mary Margaret walks in to notify Emma about how strange David is acting in the forest. As the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming, Emma was given the unwieldy weight of being the Savior of the fairytale characters who found themselves trapped in our world. This angers Mary Margaret, who quickly regrets her mistake as a hurt Emma flees and drives off. Part 1 of Suzyloves SwanQueen. During an evening festivity at the diner, Emma hands Henry his storybook, and is puzzled by his strangely dull reaction to it. Hook, Neal and Tinker Bell are already waiting there, though the door is locked. Hook notifies Emma by phone that Mr. Gold has trapped Belle on the Jolly Roger because he fears Hyde will go after her. Though Neal is against her tagging along, she takes back the stolen watches as he goes to look for someone to buy them so they can use the money for travel. On the way down, Emma thanks Milah for her help and reveals that Neal has moved on to a better place. She investigates and raises her sword in alarm when spooked by a young boy, who presents himself as Peter Pan. Emma sympathizes with how Regina is currently feeling, but realizes she doesn't actually understand. Regina's lesson commences in the vault, though she devises a better way of pushing Emma to excel by trapping her on a bridge walkway. To Emma, Pan lets her know how many times she disappointed Henry, which he can feel since the boy's heart is now in his chest. Emma argues she took Violet's heart with good reason, to which Regina compares her to Cora, who did horrible things with "good reason". The Captain's Baby: A Once Upon a time Fanfic. Out of the darkness, Cora greets Emma. In order to save everybody in Storybrooke, Regina sends Emma and Henry - the thing she loves most - off to a fresh start in New York. Convinced that they must save the town, Emma persuades Elsa into handing over the pendant in a pouch, though it is actually filled with pebbles. Emma shoves him off the roof. Nearby, David, Mary Margaret and Regina mull over a coconut half with holes, which Emma notices it is a perfect fit for the candle holder half. She asks him to hold back Hook for a period of time. Emma is urged on ahead by Regina, so she catches up with the others at Tinker Bell's empty tree house. Dwobbits. She gives him mouth-to-mouth resuscitationa "kiss"and has her magic drained away. "When was the last time you had your menstrual cycle?" That night, Hook brings up her trust issues, but Emma reveals she is being distant out of fears of losing him like with everyone else. It is a long story, but one that will leave you at the edge of your seat. Even when shown footprints collaborating with a scuffle, Emma is hesitant to readily accept it means Neal was at their camp. Emma could feel the other woman's heart beat forcefully against her own chest as she relaxed against her frame. She goes to the animal shelter to inform David and Mary Margaret of the results. The two lure out the Dragon together, and from Henry's side, he smashes the mirror, just as the Dragon's fire breath hits the other side. A rainha captura Emma mas acaba cativada pela garotinha adorvel que encontra. Before she is able to tell Regina, a tremor shakes the town, with Killian rushing in to check up on her. Despite that they both want to finally be with their daughter, they ultimately decide not to interfere in Emma's life because if they take her now, she'll never grow up to break the curse and free everyone from it. Now hurry." He invites Emma into his house and offers her some tea. Emma is reluctant to snuff out her parents' only chance to be uncursed, but Snow is confident she will find another way to help her and David. They admit crossing paths with the Author in their past and he manipulated them into making the deal with the Apprentice. Emma delivers breakfast to Henry at the inn. Emma's eating habits are briefly touched upon by, Emma likes the color yellow. He uses this to persuade Emma that being on the streets is not the fate she wants that despite running away from her previous home, it doesn't mean she won't find a good one someday. Emma has flashes of her wedding and the groom she wedded, yet she is still unsure if what she saw was real and persuades him that it's best if she goes back to Boston since Fiona will lock her up again if she stays. She warns about her superpower to detect any lie, which leads Henry to plead for her to come home with him to Storybrooke, Maine. In turn, she receives a dream catcher from Gold to see into Pongo's memories; depicting an image of Regina strangling Archie and proving Mr. Gold's innocence. Without thinking or waiting for a response, Emma rushed forward, as if on autopilot, and wrapped her arms around the other woman. As Emma moves to follow, Hook has a heart-to-heart with her about knowing what it's like to lose hope, too. Once the Snow Queen collapses the icicles, the savior magically pushes David and Hook to safety, to which her opponent disappears. In this fanfic, Emma and Hook are having a baby, and Emma finds out right after getting Hook . Emma had managed a few smiles herself as Killian cooked the frozen chicken and French fries for her brother, teasing the little boy over whether he was eating a chicken or an ancient reptile. ("Witch Hunt"), While Regina keeps Henry company, Emma, David, and Hook search the mayoral office for any evidence the Wicked Witch left behind. Seemingly remorseful, Regina arranges a meeting with Emma where she apologizes for her actions due to fears that she will take away Henry. Emma drops the sword off at home before sneaking into the diner to leave a farewell note to her family. Emma quickly stops Regina from taking out Felix's heart and instead sways the other Lost Boys with the promise she will get them off the island, to which they disclose Pan is at his "thinking tree" in Pixie Woods. He leads her to the basement, where Excalibur is buried in the stone, tempting her to unite the sword with the dagger to be rid of any hope of light inside her. He lists all the reasons why she will fail in this mission, such as her disbelief in her parents, in magic, and herself. Learning the sword can hurt the Queen without harming Regina, Emma makes plans of killing her with it. The foster mother, revealed to be the Snow Queen, approaches to take the device away. Though Emma believes her, she has to do her job or face the wraith of Regina. Killian throws the bean and the portal opens, while Emma and Killians joined hands go protectively over their child before returning back to Storybrooke to have their child and live their happy beginning. With no more use for either woman, Mr. Gold prepares to hurl a fireball at them, but Henry arrives to absorb the crystal's magic into a replica of the Holy Grail. If you ship CaptainSwan then check out this book. As she passes him the book of symbols, her hand tremor returns. She has more time to be herself, and the unwelcomed feelings return. Emma, remembering nothing, is steadied by Ingrid, who pretends to catch her from fainting. Henry becomes frustrated with himself for losing and storms off, stating he'll never be good enough. Jefferson shows her a telescope image of a girl next door, who he believes is his daughter, Grace. Once they are alone, Emma cannot hold back from containing her disgust at Regina's scheming ways. She is the child of Emma Swan and Killian Jones and she's the product of their true love. The twist is, in order to enact the curse, Regina needs the heart of the person she hates the most, which is obviously Mary Margaret. The group rest for the night, though Emma is still worried their search for Henry is taking too long. Giant storms in season 7 is a total reset for the investigation before David goes into another trance moves... A fairytale book and burns them in a separate room. David goes into another trance watches plans. The book of symbols, her hand tremor returns hair ornament reminiscent of the wings of a will. Me to push and I did, I screamed so loud x27 ; t exactly been.good you. Announce they are real with their plan to save him entitled, `` Cobra! Is afraid of becoming too attached to this child symbolically, in short. 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